Thursday, May 21, 2009

Weekend Reads: 05/23/2009

An Assortment of Quick Political Updates

President Obama
  • When Spanglish goes wrong. The President wishes you a "Happy Fifth of the Fourth."
  • President Obama and Vice President Biden Ray's Hell. Or, Where "normal" people go to lunch. Or, how to skip the WH Mess, go from NW DC to Arlington in 5 minutes flat, and get a burger while you're at it.
  • A quick demonstration of the budget cuts proposed by the President.
  • Three out-of-state Obama campaign workers plead guilty to voter fraud in Ohio.
  • The President wants to release not release torture photos.
    (When will the media make more of a deal of his "flip flops" on torture, Gitmo, etc.? Granted, I'm all for not releasing the photos [but I think he should have taken a stronger stand on their non-release] so good job for changing stands. But what about when other politicians make changes based upon additional information they gain? Although, the headlines did use some fun words like--delay, opposes, switches, u-turn, moves to stop, shifts, reverses position, reverses--when talking about the switch.)
  • From The Heritage Foundation: "Although President Obama has vowed that citizens will be able to track “every dime” of the $787 billion stimulus bill, the government website dedicated to the spending won't have details on contracts and grants until October and may not be complete until next spring - halfway through the program."

The Obama Administration
  • White House won't release NYC Air Force One photos. They stage a photo shoot, and then don't release the photos. Instead, we're stuck with the "creatively edited" photos that several blogs featured in their discussion of this administration road bump. The funny(?) thing, I thought, was that--at the time--the Administration was calling for the release of the "torture" photos, but wanted to withhold the AF1 photos. Now, they're withholding both...
  • According to the Wall Street Journal, the Obama administration is weighing plans to detain some terror suspects on U.S. soil -- indefinitely and without trial -- as part of a plan to retool military commission trials that were conducted for prisoners held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. (WSJ, 5/14/2009)
  • More free money? From The Heritage Foundation: An administration official confirmed that the Obama administration’s $4 billion “loan” and $3.2 billion in “bankruptcy financing” to Chrysler won't be paid back to taxpayers.


Other Stuff

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