Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weekend Reads: 05/02/2009

The Obama administration is pushing for a deal that will make the United Auto Workers union the majority owners of Chrysler LLC.

Lobbyists skirting ban to work for the Obama White House.

Boston Globe fails to "credit" WH for NYC plane scare. The White House approved the Air Force One Photo Op over New York City, cost $328,835.

A guy I work with discovered a plutino.

Electric cars not as green as you think.

Scientists have repeatedly proven that we are products of our environment. So when you want your employees to do something new, why send out memos, rewrite policies and issue directives — often to no avail? Instead, look at the environment your people are working in and ask yourself — and them — what's holding them back from changing. Remove cubical walls if you want them to talk to each other more. Install Skype and video cameras on all computers if you want people in different locations to connect more often. Make your online expense system more intuitive if you want employees to submit their expenses on time. Simple changes in the environment can have a big impact on people's behavior.

President Obama acknowledged that harsh interrogation techniques might have yielded useful information.

The Question that Didn't get Asked: "While pressing Obama on a variety of national security questions, the White House press corps failed to ask: 'Mr. President, if your administration is already claiming credit for jobs created in this economy, when can the American people start holding you accountable for all the jobs lost?'"

The Foundry: Fact Checking Obama

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