Monday, March 2, 2009

An update on charitable giving

In my last post, I talked about how the Obama Administration tax plan would seriously dampen charitable giving. Michael Barone, a senior write for US News and World Repot gives his take HERE, pointing out that the plan threatens charities and universities. Adding to the points presented in the earlier post, listen to this:
This is an attempt to channel money away from voluntary associations and direct it to the state. Some of that money, in turn, would be directed to public employee unions, and much if not most of that would be directed to the Democratic Party.
Barack Obama evidently wants us to shift vast sums of money from the voluntary associations extolled by Alexis de Tocqueville to the bureaucratic networks described by Max Weber. This is a profoundly bad idea. I will be interested to see whether nonprofits dependent on major gifts, like our great universities, take this in stride or whether they see it, as I do, as a threat to their institutions.
Read the rest of what he had to say about de Tocqueville vs. Weber.

What do you think?

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