Monday, August 4, 2008

Energy and the Election

McCain Team -

Americans across the country are feeling the effects of high gas prices and our need to expand domestic oil production.

John McCain says we need offshore oil drilling and we need it now. Senator Barack Obama has consistently opposed offshore drilling - calling it a "gimmick." Senator Obama's solution to high gas prices is telling Americans to make sure their tires are inflated.

Today, I'm asking for your help in putting Senator Obama's "tire gauge" energy policy to the test. With an immediate donation of $25 or more, we will send you an "Obama Energy Plan" tire pressure gauge. Will simply inflating your tires reduce the financial burden of high gas prices on your wallet?

It's clear Senator Obama has no plan to address the energy challenges we face as a nation. He has said no to offshore drilling, no to expanding domestic drilling and no to nuclear energy. He has no plan to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

John McCain is prepared to lead our country as president to break our dependence on foreign oil with real solutions. John McCain believes we should lift the federal ban on offshore drilling, enabling you to decide where we drill for oil.

But John McCain won't be able to enact these policies without your help in electing him as our next president.
Please help us put Senator Obama's energy plan to the test - donate $25 or more for your very own "Obama Energy Plan" tire pressure gauge.

Thanks, as always, for your support.


Rick Davis

Campaign Manager

P.S. Our next president's energy policy will need to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. John McCain believes we need offshore drilling now. Senator Obama's plan is calling on Americans to check their tire pressure. We're asking for your help in testing out Senator Obama's energy plan. With your donation of $25 or more right now, we'll send you a tire gauge to test for yourself, Senator Obama's "tire gauge" energy policy.

1 comment:

  1. That is great!!! Tire pressure will save our wallets? I've checked my tire pressure, but the sign still says $4.01. Question: what is holding us back (besides the environmentalists) from drilling in the US?
