Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How to Start Your Own country

Courtesy of Joshua Keating at Foreign Policy, check out here how to become your own country. Rock on!

Look at someone who has tried, by occupying an artificial island off the coast of the UK since the 1960s.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeremy,

    I am tagging you! You have to write a post called "My Life as a SoundTrack." I am posting an example, so you have something to go on. Then you can tag anyone you want.

    Opening Credits: "Dedicated Follower of Fashion" by The Kinks

    Waking Up: "Energy" by Collective Soul

    First Day At School: "Call & Answer" by Barenaked Ladies

    Falling In Love: "El Brakiachi" by Brak

    Fight Song: "That's How You Know It's Love" by Deana Carter

    Breaking Up: "Get in Line" by Barenaked Ladies

    Prom: "Bosom of Abraham" by Elvis Presley

    Life's OK: "Don't Let Me Down" by The Beatles

    Mental Breakdown: "Yes, Yes, Y'all" by Will Smith

    Driving: "Gone" by Ben Folds

    Flashback: "Crumblin' Erb" by Outkast

    Getting Back Together: "Night on Disco Mountain" from Saturday Night Fever

    Wedding: "Nice Guys Finish Last" by Green Day (no they don't!)

    Birth of Child: "That Smell" by Lynyrd Skynyrd (appropriate ...)

    Final Battle: "Out of Sight" by Smashmouth

    Death Scene: "Catching the Butterfly" by The Verve

    Funeral Song: "I Was Brought to my Senses" by Sting

    End Credits: "Strawberry Fields Forever" by The Beatles

    Good Luck!
